Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, March 22, 2024
Jesus, Help Me to Listen to the Voice of My Heart, and Help All Men to Do So
Message from Lucia of Fatima to the Holy Trinity Love Group during a Prayer Meeting on Facebook of March 21, 2024

Brothers, sisters, praying is not about moving your lips, and many don't do that either, praying is not a duty, and for many of you it is, praying is not a way of life, like a tailor-made suit, many so consider prayer, praying is not about proving you are better, and many do it because of that.
Brothers, sisters, Our Lord knows everything, in My country so it was for most people, all customs and traditions first, but the faith in Our Lord was weak, because their prayer did not always go up to Heaven, this I understood as the years went by, when I started to pray with my heart too. When you pray with the heart, conversion is inevitable, this happens without you even realizing it, you don't suffer from renunciations, you don't feel pain when you have to put Our Lord first in your life, many in the world live by these characteristics, that's why Our Lady has always done everything possible to open people's hearts, who need to know true love, true prayer.
That day I was supposed to go to the Cova, together with Jacinta and Francisco, but the whole village was celebrating St. Anthony, My mother had forbidden Me to go away from her, otherwise everyone would judge her, even the priest who considered her righteous, would judge her, and this she did not accept, she forced Me to go with her, I had no other choice, it was not My will, I could not run away, but something made Me feel peaceful. Lady, I was saying in My heart, You know I can't do anything, don't go to the Cova, because I won't be there, my Mother won't let me. Suddenly everything changed, there were the usual people, the ones who do not fail in their traditions, and while all the people were serving the offering at the altar, where My Mother was also participating, a boy approached Me, Lucia, what are you still doing here? Go to the Cova, Our Lady is waiting for You. My heart was beating very fast, who are you? How do you know? He smiled and told Me: go, and trust Your heart. I ran away without fear, and I immediately met Jacinta and Francisco, who had experienced the same thing, and we went to the Cova, where a lot of people were waiting for us who were not interested in traditions, but believed in what We had told them. As We waited for Our Lady, I began to pray, to ask for forgiveness.
Lucia, told Me Our Lady, do not fear, You have seen St. Anthony, as you see My daughter I am not leaving you alone, do not feel guilty, because what happened, is to teach you to have faith, in the future this will serve you. Brothers, sisters, at the convent I always remembered this episode, especially when I was in front of Our Lord, and thinking about all this I started to pray, let's all do it together:
Jesus, through Your love, forgive My shortcomings and those of all the people of the world. Glory be...
Those words of St. Anthony have remained etched in My heart: Lucia, trust Thy heart. I used to ask Our Lord how do I know when something is right or wrong, Our Lord told Me: Thy heart does not lie, and I began to pray like this:
Jesus, help me to listen to the voice of My heart, and help all men to do so. Glory be...
Even though everything changed that day, sadness suddenly descended within Me, I was thinking why didn't I oppose My Mother's will, this didn't make Me feel worthy of seeing Our Lady, this My thought accompanied Me all My life, and when I stood before Our Lord I prayed like this:
Jesus, forgive me when I am not obedient to Heaven, help me to repent. Glory be...
That day, when He appeared Our Lady gave many signs to those present, those who believed, many heard the birds singing, the noises of the wind when the wind was not there, the warmth of the sun while standing in the shade, many scents that they could not explain, many burst into tears, because they felt caressed, I was happy, when I walked down the road to go home, I would hear people telling all this, then I would go back to the village and feel a sadness, everyone who had stayed to celebrate did not have the same joy, did not have the same light in their eyes. At the convent, when I remembered all this before Our Lord I would pray like this:
Jesus, help all the people of the world to obey You, and not the world. Glory be...
That day, for the first time I had experienced joy and sadness at the same time, and so it has remained in My heart, all My life lived in this world, and so it must be for all who believe in Our Lord and Our Lady.
The path, the climb that you make to reach Heaven, is not made up of only joys, it is not made up of only sadness, but both live together in you. Still thinking about that day, I prayed to Our Lord like this:
Jesus, help me to thank You even when I do not understand Your will. Glory be...
Brothers, sisters, the time of the apparition at the Cova was magical, despite the fact that together with Jacinta and Francisco I experienced great suffering, injustice, but joy, hope, They accompanied us every day from May to October. The people of that country changed, all their simplicity came out, their faith became strong, and Our Lord chose that place, to reveal the future of mankind to We Three Shepherds.
It was not easy for the Church to accept it, and it still is not. Do not grow weary, ask for strength from Our Lord, who is always ready to give it to you.
Now kiss Him, while He is on the Crucifix, always externalize the love you feel for Our Lord, for there is no more beautiful thing than to be simple, the same simplicity that Our Lord has rewarded to those in My country.
He will not change the generation before the Third Secret of Fatima is fulfilled. I must go, Our Lord and Our Lady bless you all, in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.
Our Lady is with Me and with you.